Cincinnati Bengals Hometown Collection Prime Time Shirt
They want to keep order and structure in their lives. And they understand that each morning we wake up with a limited amount of willpower as well as mental focus. so, rather than wasting this valuable gifts by spreading them over many trivial choices like what to wear and what to eat,they automate as many basic things as possible so they can concentrate their highest powers on just a few important activities. “one less thing to decide” and “more choices you make, the Cincinnati Bengals Hometown Collection Prime Time Shirt In addition,I will do this harder each one becomes for your brain” are such a hyped-up excuses. Is selecting a shirt so hard. If you are fine with wearing same shirt every day, I don’t think you would care much about fashion. Trying to buy same shirt in the store is more time consuming than buying “any” shirt. I believe it is more to create a brand and keeping it simple, than having one less thing to decide. How come he started this only after Facebook and not when he is in college or before that. The argument of making bigger decisions when you are a CEO is completely silly. Cmon, it is just selecting a shirt, not signing some treaty with another country to put so much thought into it.